Friday, June 24, 2011

How did I learn to crochet?

While at the Banner Elk Herb Festival a very kind and beautiful woman that bought the scarf to the right(Thank you again S. B. !!!!) asked me how I learned to crochet. So here's the story...
There was a woman, F.G. and her daughter, M. G.  that used to crochet REALLY fast. I would stare in awe, so confused as to how they knew where to put their loops. I glanced at a pattern and decided to myself this was way too complicated for me. I knew how to knit and pearl a scarf, or pot-holder, anything with straight edges and that was it.
Fast-forward 4 years to a year ago... I saw these really cute patterns for crocheting online and noticed this book I had forever had how to crochet in there. So I bought a crochet hook and yarn and stared at that book. Oh how I studied it! I figured out how to chain, but how to make the second row, I could NOT figure out. I took my hook and yarn to my home group to see if anyone knew how to crochet to no avail. I was determined, so I sat in my car waiting to go babysit. I said, "God, please give me understanding on how to do this. I don't get it." I looked at the book again and I tried to make a row and I did it!!! I understood how to do it! Thank You God. And it was then that I understood that all my life God had given me understanding. I always did very well in school, but I never realized that it was because of His grace with me. I am so very grateful for this lesson and to be able to crochet. He is so good to us, even when we don't give Him credit or know He is the one helping us. Thank You again Abba, I love You=)

You can learn to crochet too!!! It is very fun, although I have discovered my favorite thing is creating things with God. I don't like making the same thing over and over and over! =)

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