Friday, January 25, 2013

Revamping the Rear

Started by blocking with a colored pencil ;
natural sponge with 3 colors;
synthetic sponge damp to wipe...
We are working on revamping our rear store front and this is our fun process.

I went on youtube and found a cool Polish fellow that does amazing murals. I watched his one for stone and got the inspiration.
I then prayed fervently for an airbrush gun, and then last Saturday a gentleman listened to Holy Spirit and bought me an airbrush gun. So this past week my friend B.R. and I went to work...
This is our first mural so give us some grace, I didn't find exactly the colors Mr. Polish man listed on his video so I did some compromising.  But I like the result anyhow. And with grace and practice we'll get better and better.
What fun! So here is what we did.
Rubbed Hard on the top of the stone and the right
side to give them some 3 D look to it and blocked out space for windows.
Airbrushed blue into the sky because, it was my first time using an
airbrush, so I wanted to get used to it.
Then we airbrushed lines a light cream color for highlights...

Airbrushed dark shadows and used a jagged
cardboard piece to accent in the stone.
I added some white with  a hint of yellow with the airbrush for the clouds.
Do Over thoughts...
  • Use some sort of tool to make my lines straight... Lol I'm sure you can see the giant blocks verses the small. I also thought of using a rectangular cardboard piece to trace with colored pencil.
  • Some say to never use black in the way of art, so one can use raw umber or some dark brown color instead. I see be free=) But know what look you want to go for. 
  • I wish I had one of those laser tools that tell you where things are level for the windows too... They aren't exactly symmetrical, but its good enough for jazz...
Well I enjoyed myself, and I'm pretty sure B.R. did too! She is an amazing helper and I am so grateful... Because of her help this 10' x 17' wall was done in 6 hours.
So come on over to United Artisans of America and book your next meeting or party in Fort Mill in front of the wall;)


  1. I love it!!! It's beautiful - and I like that the lines aren't perfectly straight. Makes it a little more realistic to me.
